About these HTML pages


HTML stands for hypertext mark up language and it is used used by the World Wide Web. The WWW runs on the internet which is an international network of computers which communicate information with each other in a standardised way. It does not matter what type of computer you are using to access the information so long as both systems conform to a standard language for transmitting the text and data. You may be familiar with Hypertext applications running on desktop computers. Unlike a conventional page description language, HTML does not define how the text is to appear. Instead, parts of the text are marked as having certain attributes, such as being a title or a heading. The actual appearance of these styles is set by the viewing program to give consistency between all documents. You would be surprised at how easy it is to set up a document like this! Members of staff who would like to contribute are encouraged to contact us. If you have documents and pictures already in a computer readable form then it may be fairly easy to edit them and link them into this system.

Creating these HTML pages

I have access to and use many different computer systems for my work, including UNIX (Silicon Graphics, Sun & DEC), Apples and Acorns. As such I have formed my own opinions on the merits and limitations of each system. However as these documents show the world of computers is starting to develop a common language for communication of data and you may be accessing this server from almost any type of computer. Most of my own work is carried out using Acorn computers and these pages have been edited and set up using a combination of Computer Concepts "Impression Publisher" DTP software with Ben Summers' "html loaders and savers" as well as R-Comp's HTMLEdit. Drawings have been produced using Acorn's "!Draw" and Computer Concepts "Artworks". Molecular modelling is carried out using a Silicon Graphics "Iris Indigo" workstation running Molecular Simulations "Quanta, Charmm and Modeler" packages and the images generated are again processed on an Acorn "RiscPC600" using Spacetech's "Photodesk" imaging and photo retouching package. The resulting pages were then previewed on the RiscPC or an A5000 using either the freeware package ArcWeb by Stewart Brodie or the excellent Fresco from ANT Ltd .

Personal Comments

The Acorn RiscPC is also fitted with a !PC486 coprocessor currently running applications under Windows 3.1 and this allows me to run some specialist software not available under Acorn's RISC OS operating system. Data can be readily exchanged between DOS/Windows and my preferred RISC OS applications. During the course of this work I have also spent some time setting up and using Apple Mac systems and in particular a "Quadra 840av" for use by the Part II Pathology students to access and use this information locally as well as to access the Internet. I personally find the Mac operating system to be very clumsy and innefficient in use compared to Acorn's RISC OS and despite the fact that software on the Mac platform often is better featured, the user interface means that I take longer to complete a task than I would under RISC OS. It is interesting that Apple are currently making a lot of noise about the introduction of RISC technology in their PowerPC range of computers, after all Acorn have been marketing their own RISC based computers since 1987! You may be aware that recently Apple and Acorn joined together to form a joint company called Xemplar marketing computers into educatation. The RISC OS RiscPC computers are designed and built by Acorn who also do contract design work using their expertise in ARM RISC technology for other organisations such as Oracle eg in the design of the new low cost Network Computer

This page is from   Mike Clark.
"An antibody engineer who also enjoys the mountains."
Mike's home-page
11th June 1997