Mike Clark's Web Pages

Frames Policy Statement

These web pages are meant as an academic resource and as such I would like them to remain accessible and useful to the widest number of individuals. I have therefor deliberately avoided the current trend to introduce a whole host of unique and non-standard features which require specific web browsers to be used to access the pages. So until features such as frames are written into the HTML standards I am deliberately avoiding their use on this website. Hopefully users will agree that what is important is the information provided within the site rather than a specific mode of presentation.

However unfortunately due to the nature of the web it is possible for some sites to include material from other sites within frames. The viewer may then be completley unaware that some of the material is from one source and other material from another. If you are apparently viewing my web pages inside a frame surrounded by advertisements then it is very unlikely that this extra material is originating from me! Users of the web should be very discriminating! Do not believe everything you read and be particularly wary of sites which may have purely a commercial interest in selling you some services for their own personal gain. I do not object to commercial ventures on the web providing that they are completely open about what they are trying to sell you. I do object to sites which try to exploit the hard work of others for their own gain without explicitly indicating on their pages that the material displayed is not their own!!

This page has links which enable you to return to my main web pages but at the same time I have included some code to force my pages into the top level of the browser. I hope like me you consider this a reasonable action to take and I apologize if it causes the reader any inconvenience.

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This page is from   Mike Clark
"An antibody engineer who also enjoys the mountains."
Mike's home-page

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© Mike Clark, PhD., Cambridge University, UK
Last updated on 20th September 1999